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Scrum Board

Master KiteSuite's board for efficient task management.

Gaurav Aery avatar
Written by Gaurav Aery
Updated over a month ago

Board screen

At the outset, the board screen is empty due to the sprint not being started. To populate the board, you must first navigate back to the backlog screen and initiate the sprint. Once the sprint is active, its associated items will automatically populate the board. Adding more items later is possible by creating them within the active sprint from the backlog screen.

Board screen

Adding Items to the Board

At the outset, the board screen is empty due to the sprint not being started. To populate the board, you must first navigate back to the backlog screen and initiate the sprint. Once the sprint is active, its associated items will automatically populate the board. Adding more items later is possible by creating them within the active sprint from the backlog screen.

Adding Items Board

Sprint detail

The top section of the board screen displays vital sprint information. This includes the sprint’s name, the sprint owner’s name, the total estimated effort for the sprint, the sprint’s duration, and the remaining days until the sprint’s completion. Should the sprint exceed its due date without completion, the remaining days will be highlighted in red text.

Sprint Detail

Lists in the board screen

When viewing the board screen, you’ll encounter three default lists: “To do,” “In progress,” and “Done.” Within each list, the item count is indicated in parentheses, offering a quick overview of the number of items in that specific category. This layout provides a convenient visual representation of the progress and status of tasks within your project.

Lists Board Screen

Adding new lists to the board

To expand your board’s functionality, you have two options for adding new lists: directly from the board screen or through project settings.

  • From the Board Screen:
    Step 1: Click on the pulse icon

    Add Board

    Step 2: Provide a name for the new list, such as “Dummy list.”

    New List

    Step 3: Press the enter key.

    Create Board

    Congratulations! Your new list has been successfully created. You can continue to add multiple lists directly on the board screen, tailoring them to suit your project’s unique requirements. This capability enhances your organization and customization options.

  • From the project setting screen :
    To seamlessly integrate a new list via project settings, follow these straightforward steps to navigate to the project setting screen:

    Step1: Access the project setting screen by clicking on the Setting menu in the left sidebar.​

    clicking on the Setting

    Step 2: Following is the project setting screen:-

    Project Setting Screen

    To Add a New List, follow these steps:

    Step 1: From the project setting screen, Navigate to the “Manage list” option.

    Manage List

    In the default setup, three lists are visible. While you can modify the names of these default lists, their statuses remain unchanged.

    modify default lists

    Step 2: Click on the “Add New list” button.

    Add New list

    Step 3: Enter the desired list name. Confirm by clicking the “Save” button.​

    Save New List

    Step 4: Your newly added list will now appear below the default lists. These updated lists will be readily visible on the board screen.

    New List Added

    Congratulations on successfully creating a new list! This feature provides enhanced customization options to suit your project’s unique needs.

Rearranging List Order

Flexibility in list arrangement allows you to customize their position. For instance, if you prefer the “To do” list to appear at the bottom, there are two approaches. This adjustment can be made both within the project setting screen and directly from the board screen.

From the board screen:-

Long press on the desired list. Drag and drop the list to your preferred location.

List Order

For example, let’s consider moving the “To-do” list from its initial position to the last spot.

Moving To-do

From the project setting screen

To seamlessly integrate a new list via project settings, follow these straightforward steps to navigate to the project setting screen:

Step 1: Access the project setting screen by clicking on the Setting menu in the left sidebar.


Step 2: Following is the project setting screen:-

To rearrange the list order, go to the “Manage list” option from the left sidebar of the setting screen.

You just need to long press on the list, drag and drop till there, where you want to show that list.

drag and drop

Once completed, these modifications will be reflected on the board screen as well. This functionality provides you with the capability to tailor the list arrangement to better align with your project’s workflow and priorities.

Modifying List Names

Adjusting list names can be done through two accessible methods: from the board screen or the project setting screen.

From the Board Screen:

Step 1: Click directly on the list name.

Step 2: An editable text box will appear, allowing you to input the new list name.

Press the enter key to save your changes.

From the Project Setting Screen:

To seamlessly integrate a new list via project settings, follow these straightforward steps to navigate to the project setting screen:

Step1: Access the project setting screen by clicking on the Setting menu in the left sidebar.

Step 2: Following is the project setting screen:-

Project Setting Screen

To rename the list:-

Step 1 : Go to the “Manage list” option from the left sidebar of the setting screen.

Step 2: Hover over the list name.

Step 3: A pencil icon will emerge, indicating the edit option.

Step 4: Click the pencil icon to reveal an editable text box

Editable Box

Step 5: Enter your desired list name.

Step 6: Press the enter key to confirm and save the updated name.

Rearranging Items Using Drag and Drop

Easily modify an item’s status by employing a simple drag-and-drop action.

Drag and Drop

For instance, you can seamlessly transition an item’s status from “In Progress” to “Done” by moving it to the corresponding list.

Drag and Drop Option

This user-friendly feature streamlines the process of updating and tracking the progress of your tasks.

Filtering the items

Enhance your task management experience by utilizing the filtering options available. Tailor the item view to your preferences using filters such as Assignee, Epic, Label, Estimation, Issue Type, and Flag.

Filtering Items

These filters function similarly to those found in the Backlog screen, allowing you to efficiently customize the display of items according to your specific needs. This capability empowers you to focus on relevant tasks and streamline your workflow.

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