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Easy manage tasks with KiteSuite, create, edit, and customize tasks for seamless progress

Gaurav Aery avatar
Written by Gaurav Aery
Updated over a week ago

Usually sprints are broken down into user stories. Each user story is then further divided into items or tasks. And within those tasks, you have the option to create subtasks for finer details. This module provides insights into KiteSuite’s item management. You'll discover how to create and edit items, along with other useful features. Let's explore these capabilities briefly:

Creation of item

Experience flexibility in item creation through various avenues:

1. From the Epic Screen

2. From the Backlog Screen

3. From the Board screen

4. From the Calendar Screen

5. From the List Screen

From the Epic screen

Option 1

Step1: Open the Epic screen and locate the "Create Item" button.

Create Item

Step 2: Click on the "Create Item" button to reveal the item creation panel.

Step 3: Enter the desired item name.

Item Name

Click "Submit" to finalize the creation.

Finalize Creation

Option 2

Step 1: Access the Epic by clicking on the setting icon.

Access Epic

Step 2: Click on the "Add Items" button.

Add Items Button

Step 3: Set the item name and confirm by pressing the enter key.

Item Name

Your newly added item will be visible below the existing ones, ensuring efficient organization and management. This variety of approaches empowers you to seamlessly integrate items into your project workflow.

From the Backlog

Option 1

Step 1: Click on the "Add New" button. If you use the "Add New" button from the backlog section, the item will appear in the backlog. If you use it from the sprint section, the item will be placed in the sprint section.

Backlog Add New

Step 2: Enter the item name and press the enter key.

Enter Item Name


Option 2

You can also create an item directly from the backlog list view.

Create Item Directly

From the Board screen

The board screen is available in all templates. However, for item creation, it's exclusively accessible in the Kanban and Business templates. The user interface (UI) of the board screen is consistent in both Kanban and Business project templates, as shown below:

Board Screen

From the Calendar Screen

You have several options for item creation on the calendar screen.

Option 1

Step 1: Click the "Create" button.

Calendar Screen

Step 2: Select the "Item" button from the menu.

Item Button

Step 3: A model will appear; enter the item name and click "Create".


After creation, the new issue will be automatically dated with the current date. You can view the issue by just clicking on it.

New Issue

Option 2

To directly add an item to a specific date, click on that date's box and add the item.

Specific Date

From the List screen

The list screen is available across all templates, and the item creation process is consistent. Here's how:

Step1: Click the "Add New" button.

List Screen

Step 2: Enter the item name and press "Enter".

Enter Item Name

Viewing Item Details

To access an item's details, click on the respective item. The item detail screen comprises various sections, each explained below:

Item Details

Item ID and Name

At the top of the item model, you'll find the item ID (which can be disabled from the project edit screen). Below this, you'll see the item's name or summary, editable by clicking on it.

Item ID

Item Label

Below the summary, you'll find labels associated with the item (as depicted in the screenshot).

Item Label

Creating a Label

Follow these steps to create a label:

Step1: Click "Add label".

Creating Label

Step 2: Select "Create New Label".

Server Setup

Step 3: Enter the desired label name and press enter.

Enter Desired Label

After successful creation, the label will be visible, as shown in the screenshot.

Successful Creation

Label Editing

To edit a label, click on the edit icon which appears upon hovering over the label name.

Label Editing

The label edit panel allows you to delete the label, rename it, and even assign a custom color.

Label Edit Panel

Removing the label

The label edit panel allows you to delete the label, rename it, and even assign a custom color.

Removing Item label

Adding Item Description

To include a description, click on the "add description" button. This provides the opportunity to provide additional context or details for the item.

Adding Item

Item Attachment

Attachments can be uploaded using the provided option. You're able to upload up to a maximum of 10 images at once.

Item Attachment

Initially, you have one attachment option. But you can also upload from Google Drive and Dropbox by enabling their integrations.

Github KiteSuite integration

This feature is initially disabled. To enable it, you need to integrate KiteSuite with GitHub by following this link.

Github KiteSuite Integration

The GitHub integration can be divided into four parts:

Create Branch

In this section, you can create a GitHub branch. Here's how:

  • you will find the GitHub repository that you selected during integration. Pick a base branch from the options available.

Create Branch

Specify the branch name, making sure to include the item ID.

  • Click 'Create Branch.'

  • Visit GitHub to view the newly created branch.

Visit GitHub


In this section, you can view all the GitHub branches.


However, it's important to note that in the branch name, the KiteSuite item ID is mandatory for a branch to appear in KiteSuite.

For instance, if you have three branches in GitHub, KiteSuite will display only two of them.

Default Branches

The branch 'New-Branch' won't show in KiteSuite because it lacks the necessary item ID in its name.

New Branch

In KiteSuite, branches are organized based on their associated item IDs.

Actions on the branches

There are two actions you can take on branches: Create a pull request and delete the branch.

Actions Branches

Create a pull request

When you click on 'Create PR,' you'll be redirected to GitHub, where you can create a pull request.

Create Request

Once it's created, you'll find the same request in the 'Pull Request' section.

Delete the branches

To delete a branch, simply click on 'Delete.' This action will remove the branch from both KiteSuite and GitHub.

Delete Branches

Pull Request

In the 'Create Branch' section, you can create pull requests. It displays all the pull requests associated with the linked repository, along with their status.

Pull Request

Pull Request Status


In the 'Commits' section, you'll find a list of all commits related to the linked branch.


If there are no commits, it shows 'No results found.' Commit entries appear only if their messages include item IDs. You can view all commits by disabling the toggle, showing both commits with and without item IDs.


The 'Tags' section lists all tags associated with the repository.



To use the Loom feature within the item description, you need to integrate it with KiteSuite. Follow the provided link to set up this integration.


Use of loom

The Loom feature serves as a screen recording tool. It's handy when you need to create a video recording of your actions or activities within the application. Simply use Loom to capture and share your on-screen actions effortlessly.

How to use loom

Follow the following steps, to used the loom :-

Step1: Click on the Loom icon, and a panel will appear.

Use Loom

Step 2: Click the "Start recording (5-minute limit)" button to begin your recording.

Start Recording

Step 3: Select the recording options that suit your needs and start capturing your video.

Select Recording Options

Step 4: When you're done, click the "Stop sharing" button to end the recording.

Stop Sharing

Step 5: Save the recorded video, and it will automatically appear in the description as part of your content.

Save Recorded Video

Subtask within the item

Subtasks can be added within tasks using the following steps:

Step1: Click on the "Add subtask" button.


Step 2: Enter the subtask name and press Enter. This creates the subtask.

Subtask Name

In the Task detail screen:

  • You'll find the subtask ID, subtask name, and its status.

Task Detail
  • Subtasks can be renamed, their status changed, or even deleted.

Subtasks Renamed
  • Conversion of a subtask to a task is possible via the "Convert to item" option. This transformed item appears in the initial list on the board screen. If there's no sprint, it will be in the Backlog.

Convert Item
  • For sharing, you can copy the subtask link as well.

Sharing Subtask link

Subtask progress

In the task detail screen, you can monitor subtask progress. The progress bar updates according to subtask status. For instance, if a screenshot displays two subtasks—one marked "Done" and the other "Todo"—the progress bar is divided into blue and white. Blue represents completed tasks, hence a 50% blue and 50% white bar.

Subtask Progress

However, the subtask progress bar works solely with "Todo" and "Done" statuses. If subtasks are marked "In Progress" or other statuses, the progress bar remains unchanged.

Link Issues

If you have multiple issues that are related to each other, you can link them together. For instance, if one issue is connected to another, you can establish this link by using the "Link Issues" button.

Link Issues

After linking, you'll find the connected issues displayed below the subtasks section. This helps you maintain a clear and organized view of the relationships between different issues

Find Connected Issues

Comment & Activity

In addition to managing tasks, you can engage in discussions and track activity within the task detail screen. You have the option to add comments to provide context or discuss specific aspects of the task.

Comment Activity

Furthermore, the activity log at the bottom of the task detail screen captures a history of actions taken on the task. This includes any updates to assignees, linked tasks, added votes, or other relevant activities. This log offers a chronological record of task-related actions for easy reference.

Vote & Watcher

Enhance collaboration by utilizing the "Vote" and "Watcher" features for issues. You have the ability to cast a vote on an issue, indicating your interest or support for its resolution. This vote is viewable to other team members, promoting transparency and prioritization.

Vote Watcher

Additionally, you can designate specific team members as "Watchers" for an issue. This means they will receive updates and notifications related to that issue, enabling them to stay informed about its progress.

Add users as a watcher

Stay updated by designating specific users as "Watchers" for an issue. Follow these steps to add users as watchers:

Step 1: Click on the "Add watcher" option.

Add Users Watcher

Step 2: Select the desired user from the project member list (Note: You can only add project members as watchers, not workspace members).

Select Member List

Step 3: Once you've clicked on the user's name from the list, that user will be successfully added as a watcher to the issue. This ensures that they receive relevant updates and notifications about the issue's progress and changes.

Click Add Member

Other tasks actions

Apart from the basic task management, you have additional actions available for more control:

  • Add Flag: You can attach a flag to an item to emphasize its importance. These flags are visible to everyone in your team. When you share a link to an item with someone, the flag you've added will also be visible to them. This makes it easy to convey the significance of a specific item to others.

  • Delete: Remove the item permanently.

  • Move: Shift the item from the current project to a different one.

Other Tasks Actions
  • Clone: Create a duplicate of the same item for multiple instances.

  • Convert to Subtask: Transform the current task into a subtask of another task, if needed.

These actions offer a range of ways to manage and manipulate your tasks according to your requirements.

Item Type

There are three primary issue types available: Bug, Task, and Item. Depending on your requirements, you can select the appropriate issue type from the dropdown menu. Please note that this feature is exclusive to the Scrum template.

Item Type

Add epic in item

You have the option to associate an epic with an item. This can be done by selecting an epic from the list provided, located below the issue type. It's important to note that this epic functionality is specific to the Scrum template.

Add Epic Item

Item status

You can check or change the status of a task from this drop-down. From the status, you can check the progress of that particular item.

Item Status

Clockwise icon

Within the status section, there is a clockwise icon. The position of this icon on the clock face corresponds to the progress of the item. The clock pins change position based on how many lists or stages an item goes through.

Clockwise Icon

For more about the status or list go here.

Item assignee

Assignee: You can assign a single person to the item from the list of available team members. However, in non-agile templates like Business and Kanban, you can assign multiple assignees. If no assignee is chosen, the task remains unassigned by default.

Item Assignee

In the assignee drop-down list, you'll only see project members. If you want to assign a user who isn't on the list, you have to add them in the "Manage People" section within the project settings.

Item Priority: You can set the importance level of an item using three priority levels: High, Medium, and Low.

Sprint Assignment: You have the option to move an item between the backlog and different sprints using the provided dropdown menu. This feature is exclusive to the Scrum project template.

Sprint Assignment


In the estimation field, users have the option to allocate an estimation to a specific task.

By default, when a user creates a project, the estimation type is set as custom. However, you can adjust the type according to your needs, even from the project edit screen. This can be done in two ways: using the Fibonacci series or a custom value.

Fibonacci series

If you choose the Fibonacci type, the available values will follow the Fibonacci series.

Fibonacci Series

You can pick a value from the drop-down list, with the Fibonacci values displayed up to 1000, which is the maximum estimation.

Custom option

If you need to use a value that is not listed in the drop-down options, you can manually enter your preferred value.

Custom Option


When using the custom estimation option, you'll find a dropdown with values that aren't in the Fibonacci series. You can select a value from the dropdown list or manually enter a custom value according to your needs.


Manage Custom Option

Note: The custom estimation option is available in both the Fibonacci series and the Custom estimation types.

Log hours

In progress


You have the ability to change the reporter of an item. By default, the person who created the item is assigned as the reporter.


Due date

To set a due date for an item, you can use the "Due Date" option. Once a due date is set, the assignee will receive an automated email reminder one day and one hour before the due date. By default, this option is available in the Business and Kanban templates. If you want to use it in the Scrum template, you can enable it from the custom field settings.

Due Date

Custom fields

Apart from the usual item fields such as Issue type, Epic, Status, Assigned to, Priority, Sprint, Estimation of hours, and reporter, you have the flexibility to use custom fields that fit your unique requirements. To access these custom fields, just click on the edit pencil icon.

Custom Fields

Once you've added custom fields, you'll see them listed in the custom fields section in task details, like this:

Added Custom Fields

Create a date & update the date

When a task is created, its creation date is shown at the bottom of the item. If the user makes any updates to the task, you'll see the update date displayed below the creation date.

Create Date
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