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Exploring KiteSuite's Burn-up report to check how you are progressing with your project work.

Gaurav Aery avatar
Written by Gaurav Aery
Updated over a week ago

Similar to the burn-down report, this one emphasizes the work that has already been completed, rather than what's left to do. It's a valuable tool for tracking daily progress, ensuring task completion, and comparing your team's achievements to your planned goals.

Here's what you can do with this report:

  • Track your team's daily progress and see how much work they've finished.

  • Use the advice provided to complete tasks or estimates that are still undone.

  • Easily compare your team's progress to the suggested plan.

  • Save or share the report as needed.

  • You have the option to export this report as well.

How to read the burn-up chart

To read the burn-up chart, you must have data. Start a sprint from the backlog. For example, if you begin a sprint with 2 items, the burn-up report will show your progress.

Burnup Items

Now go to the burnup report and it looks like the following:-

Burnup Chart Graf

Let's categorize the burn-up report into four distinct sections:

  1. Sprints & estimation field

  2. Start date & end date

  3. Graph data

  4. Tabular data

Sprints & estimation field

In the sprint dropdown, you can select any completed or ongoing sprint to view its progress.

Sprints Estimation

In the estimation field, you can choose whether you want to see progress in terms of estimates or item counts.

Sprints Count

Start date & Due date

Here, you'll find the clear start and due dates for the selected sprint, providing a well-defined timeframe.

Start Date and Due d Date Graf

Graph data

Our Prerequisites are:-

Sprint needs to be started : Date: 10 Oct, 2023 - 16 Oct, 2023

Estimated field : Item Count

To track your team's work, examine the graph, which consists of four key components:

Item Count Graf

These are the following:-

  • Completed items: Shown in green, these represent finished tasks.

  • Guideline: In orange, it sets a target for your team.

  • Total items: Displayed in blue, these represent all the items.

  • Dashed black line: This line marks the current date.

Items Information Chart

On the Y-axis, you'll see "Item Count," and on the X-axis, "Date." The due date aligns with your sprint's start and end dates.

Y-axis Items Count

Hovering over the blue circle provides details about specific activities, such as the sprint's start date and the number of issues within it.

Items Status

Items Status On Hover

Tabular data

The report also provides tabular data, where you have two options:

Completed items

This section displays only the items that have been completed.

Completed Items

When you finish an item on the board, it appears in the completed items section. You can view details such as the item's name, ID, icon, epic name, assignee, status, and estimated workload.

Completed Tabular Data

Scope changes log

  • The "Scope Change Log" is the final part of the report. It records any updates made to your project after the sprint begins. It initially shows the sprint's start, the number of items, completed items, and total items.

Scope Changes Log
  • After starting the sprint, any changes, such as completed items, are documented in the scope change log.

Scope Changes
  • Item and Sprint Details After Completing an Item:

  • Date: Displays the date when a specific event occurred. In our case, it shows the date when an item was completed.

Scope Changes Dates
  • Event name: Indicates the type of activity performed after starting the sprint.

Scope Changes Events
  • Item Count: Displays the number of items, and if there's only one, it shows the item's summary.

Scope Changes Items Count
  • Before starting the sprint, there were 0 completed items. After the sprint began, we completed one item. This is why you see the change from 0 to 1, indicating the count of completed items.

  • If you delete that completed item, the change will be from 1 back to 0. In other words, completed items will be considered as 0 again.

  • Total items :Reflects changes when you add, delete, or move items within the sprint. Completing one item impacts this count.

Scope Changes Total Items

Effects on the Burn-Up Graph After Completing an Item

  • The green completion bar moves from 0 to 1 after an item is finished.

Burn-Up Graf Effects
  • The item counts change based on post-sprint activities. For example, deleting a completed item reduces the total count from 2 to 1, and the completed item count changes from 1 to 0.

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