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Inbox screen

Efficiently manage tasks across projects, stay organized on the work progress.

Gaurav Aery avatar
Written by Gaurav Aery
Updated over a week ago


In the inbox screen, you can access and manage your assigned tasks. Here’s a breakdown of what you can do:

Add items in inbox

  • Your inbox is initially empty. Items from all the projects within your workspace are displayed here.

    Inbox Screen

  • For example, let’s say there’s an issue called “Dummy Item 1.”To see this issue in your inbox, it must be assigned to you, like by “UserA”.

    Add Inbox Items

  • If an item has multiple assignees, it will show up in all of their inboxes.

    Multiple Assignees

  • You can also see details like the number of subtasks, project name, and the last update.

    Inbox Details

Sorting Items by Status

  • Items in your inbox are categorized by status: To Do, In Progress, and Completed.

  • Items in “TODO” status are listed in the “To Do” section.

  • Items in “In Progress” status are found in the “In Progress” section. This includes all statuses between “Todo” and “Done.”|

Sorting By Status

  • Items marked as “Done” are displayed in the “Completed” section.

  • This sorting helps you quickly see the status of your tasks in your inbox.

Items according to due date

Your inbox also sorts items by their due dates:

According Due Date

  • If today is September 27, and an item’s due date is September 28, it will appear in the “Upcoming” section.

Upcoming Items


  • However, if the item’s due date was September 26 and it wasn’t completed, it will be in the “Overdue” section.

Overdue Items

Items with combination

Some items can appear in multiple sections of your inbox, depending on certain combinations. Here’s a table showing all the possible scenarios, taking into account the current date and time, which is September 17, 12:51 PM:

Item have

Sections name

Status To do || Due date Sep 16, 12:51 PM

To do || Overdue

Status In-progress || Due date Sep 16, 12:51 PM

In progress || Overdue

Status Done || Due date Sep 17, 12:50 PM

Complete || Overdue

Status To do || Due date Sep 17, 12:50 PM

To do || Overdue

Status To do || Due date Sep 17, 12:52 PM

To do || Upcomming

Status In-progress || Due date Sep 17, 12:50 PM

In progress || Overdue

Status To do || Due date Sep 18, 12:52 PM

To do || Overdue

Status In-progress || Due date Sep 18, 12:52 PM

In progress || Overdue

Status Done || Due date Sep 18, 12:52 PM

Complete || Overdue

Calendar view

you have the option to use the calendar view, which allows you to organize and view your items based on their due dates. This feature helps you stay on top of your tasks and deadlines more effectively.

Calendar View

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