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Project setting

Efficiently manage projects in KiteSuite with comprehensive project settings.

Gaurav Aery avatar
Written by Gaurav Aery
Updated over a week ago

The project settings feature in KiteSuite, providing a comprehensive guide to manage projects efficiently. It covers various tabs including Project Info, Manage People, Roles & Permissions, Manage List, and Custom Fields. Users can edit project details, manage permissions, customize status lists, and create custom fields. Additionally, it explains how to create and edit custom fields, offering flexibility in project management.

In this article we will learn how to set and manage projects with KiteSuite.

Project setting

The project setting is the same for all project templates. From the project setting screen, you can rename the project, you can manage the people, roles, and permissions, and many more things you can do in a project setting.

Project Setting

In the project setting screen, you can find the following 4 tabs:-

  • 1. Project Info

  • 2. Manage People

  • 3. Roles & Permissions

  • 4. Manage list

  • 5. Custom fields

Project Info

In the project settings, you can edit project details like the project name and lead. You can also delete the project. Here’s what you’ll find:

Project Info

Project details

You can find the project name, project key, project type, owner, lead, and estimation type.

Project Details

Edit project

To edit a project, click on the edit icon in the project settings.

Edit Project

You can make changes to:

Project Name

Modify the project name as needed.

Project key

You can’t edit the project key, you can set the project key as per requirement only while creating the project.

Project Name

Project lead

Assign a different project lead from the project members.

Estimation type

Change the project’s estimation type, either Fibonacci or custom. For more details on estimation types..

Item serial number

You can manage the item serial number or item ID from the toggle button. You can enable or disable it.

Item Serial Number

Manage People


Roles & permissions

In the roles & permissions section, you can control project permissions based on project roles. You can enable or disable permissions using toggle buttons.

Roles and Permissions

For more information about different types of roles and permissions.

Manage List

Initially, you’ll see three standard status lists: “Todo,” “In Progress,” and “Done.”

Manage List

In the manage list screen, there are three columns:

List name

This is the name of the list that appears in various screens like task details, board screen, etc., wherever the status is displayed.

List Name

How to edit list name

To change the list name, hover over it, and a pencil icon will appear.

Edit List Name

Click on that icon, and you can edit the text field.


This column displays the default list names such as Todo, In-progress, and Done. Todo is the starting point, Done is the ending point, and In-progress is in between. If you add any custom field, you’ll see the status as None. None means these fields are internally considered In progress.



You can’t perform any actions to the default list, but you can delete the custom list. Suppose you have 3 items under the custom list, and you have deleted the custom list.


Create a Custom List

Step 1: Click “Add New List.”

Create Custom List

Step 2: Name your list. Click Save.

Custom List Popup

Your new list is now good to go.

Darg & drop

You can change the order of your lists by dragging and dropping them. Simply long-press a list, move it to where you want, and release it.

Darg and Drop

Lists will be displayed everywhere in the order you set, like on the board screen and in status drop-down lists.

Custom fields

In the custom field, section you can manage the custom fields. KiteSuite provides you with two types

Custom Fields

Default Custom Fields:

Spend time

To use this field, enable it through the toggle button.

Spend Time

Once enabled, it will appear in the task detail screen’s custom field section.

Custom Field Section

Due date

Similar to Spend Time, you can enable and use the Due Date field. Once enabled, it will appear in the task detail screen’s custom field section. The due date does not appear in the custom fields section in the case of the Business and Kanban template, because the

Due Date

Custom fields limit

  • Rules for the usual category, covering all custom fields.

Category name

Input Limit

Custom fields name (Title)

30 Char

Custom fields description

255 Char

  • Rules custom fields wise

Custom field Name

Input limit



Text field

255 Char


16 digits (including decimal places)

Text Area

255 Char (Text in multiple lines)








Provide an email that is correct.


Based on Country



Creating a New Custom Field:

You can create various types of custom fields like dropdowns, checkboxes, and text fields. Let’s walk through the process using the example of creating a Dropdown custom field:

New Custom Field

Let’s walk through the process using the example of creating a Dropdown custom field:

Step 1: Click on the card view.

New Field Dropdown

Step 2: Enter the name and options for the dropdown field. A description isn’t mandatory.

Create Custom Fields

Step 3: Click the Create button after inputting the details.

Create Button

Congratulations, the custom field is successfully created. You can check it in the manage custom fields section and in the task as well.


Edit custom fields

Step 1: Click on the edit button to access the editing view.

Default Fields

Step 2: Within the editing view, you have the flexibility to:

  • Edit the custom field’s title, description, options, and option values.

Update Custom Field
  • Enable or disable the custom field based on your needs.

Enable or Disable Fields
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